Thursday, December 26, 2019
Womens Status in Islam Essay - 940 Words
Womens Status in Islam In Islam, women and men are equal in terms of their relationship with Allah. It can be clearly seen that Allah has created men and women differently, this is so that they may fulfil different purposes in life. It is not a question of the superiority of one gender over another, rather it is a matter of role differentiation. Islam teaches that men and women complement one another and are both equally important. On the other hand, this is not the case is many cultures and traditions; before and after Islam, the status of woman throughout much of the world was†¦show more content†¦This is verified in the following hadith reported by Al-Bukhari â€Å"A man came to the Prophet (s) and asked him: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who among the people s worthy of my good company?’ The prophet said, ‘Your mother’. The man asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet (s) again said, ‘Your mother’. The man asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet again said, ‘Your mother.’ The man asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said, ‘Then your father.’†This not only shows that a mother is far more respected than other women, but also, far superior to a father. A woman, only as a woman, is seen only equal to man, but certainly not greater, if not slightly inferior in some circumstances. Furthermore, the Quran also emphasises and makes people realise that their mothers bore them in pain, and that they should respect and be grateful to their mothers because of that: â€Å"And we have enjoined on men (to be good) to his parents: in weakness upon weakness did his mother bear him...†Partly because of this, motherhood is regarded as a most noble and honourable calling in Islamic society. Women have been given the role of motherhood because Allah has blessed them with the maternal instinct enables them to take care of children. This is supported in the Quran: â€Å"Moreover, the Quran has a special recommendation for good treatment of mothers.†Mothers have great respect and honour in Islam â€Å"Fear God, in whoseShow MoreRelatedThe Religious Views Of Women s Right1019 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Women’s right is a controversial and sensitive topic in today’s society. Gender inequality has been a great issue for decades and is closely related to the harmony of the society as well as the development of human civilization. Religion, as one of the most significant products of human civilization, is extraordinary influential in guiding people’s beliefs and thoughts. Therefore, different religious views of women’s rights play big roles in building people’s conceptions. Among theRead MoreRise and expansion of islam1336 Words  | 6 PagesThe rise and expansion of Islam has had a significant impact on the role and rights of women throughout history. 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Unlike the western society Bangladeshi women hardly demand the absolute equalityâ€â€equal share in parental property, full freedom and liberation as individuals. Rather they love to see their roles within social contexts and would prefer gender equity within the traditional framework. The status of women in our society can be explained from the social attitude and
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Real World And Morality Will Help Us Make The Point Essay
If you believe you have to tell your kids that Santa Claus exists in order to give them gifts on Christmas day, you are completely out of your mind. Oh no! what am I saying? I meant if you think your kids should believe in a higher power so that they learn empathy, humility, and respect towards their fellow human beings, you are probably doing a bad job as a parent. I suggest you work on the adoption papers. This is not an attack on any specific religion. I come to believe as I am growing up that religion has certainly not kept someone from being â€Å"bad†and it is on any case a pre-requisite in order to be or do â€Å"good.†An analysis of the real world and morality would help us make the point. I am a skeptic, you get it right, but bear with me. I am on any case trying to dismiss religion as an institution that might be able to do good things and keep your child in a good path. It is vital that we understand that morality doesn’t come from a book or some guy in the sky or for the matter in religion at all. We are human beings, and the moment we realize that we are one specie, how we feel and what others feel should matter. Teaching kids to treating their like-people the same way they want to be treated doesn’t need to involve religion at all. As the sociologist Phil Zuckerman would put it: â€Å"My own ongoing research among secular Americans  as well as that of a handful of other social scientists who have only recently turned their gaze on secular culture  confirms thatShow MoreRelatedThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1729 Words  | 7 PagesGood moral is what makes a good person. Why would you want to be good when everything around you is bad? How can you want to be the better person when the only a reason to live is to avoid death? Morality is a principle concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. The road is a novel written by Cormac McCarthy that tells the story of a boy and a man fighting the dead society. The world has been destroyed, cities have burned, and more than half of the population hasRead MoreThere’S Not One Right Food, But Clear Distinction Between1326 Words  | 6 PagesThere’s not one right food, but clear distinction between food and poisin. Problems arising from subjectivity â€Å"The fact that there is no right answer to what is food does not tempt us to say that there are no truths to be known about human nutrition†Like chess, a domain of perfect objectivity. The fact that there are exeptions to rules that are generally good like dont loose your queen does not mean its subjective Who are we to say that its wrong for the proud denasins of an ancient culture toRead MoreThe Moral Argument1723 Words  | 7 Pagespeople often refrain from immoral acts even when there is no risk of their being caught? There are many formulations of the moral argument but they all have as their starting point the phenomenon (fact) of moral conscience. In essence the moral argument poses the question: where does our conscience, our sense of morality come from if not from God? It also asserts that if we accept the existence of objective moral laws we must accept the existence of a divine law-giver. It is an argument thereforeRead MoreThe Double Citizenship of Human Existence-Kant Essay1110 Words  | 5 Pagesnot experience the world directly, but we do so by using certain intrinsic cognitive concepts. â€Å"Appearances, to the extent that as objects they are thought in accordance with the unity of categories, are called phenomena. If, however, I suppose there to be things that are merely objects of the understanding and that, nevertheless, can be given an intuition, although not to sensible intuition, then such things would be called noumena.†(A249) According to Kant, it is crucial to make a distinction betweenRead MoreOn Being an Atheist1605 Words  | 7 Pagescan have the glory. He believes to live in this world, you must be comfortable. The introduction of his article, he implements an overview of arguments given by the theist, which he introduces as proofs. He claims that the proofs do not create a rationalization to believe that God exists. He provides 3 theist proofs, which are Cosmological argument, teleological argument, and the argument of design. He also mentions the presence of evil in the world. He focuses on the existence of evil to try toRead MoreAbortion Must Be Legal Essay1211 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout history there have been major decisions that have to be made. Those decisions define the society that makes them. Today in Americans history we have two or three decisions that could change how people look back at us. Abortion is one of the major topics talked about by everyone; from politicians to teenagers, everyone has their own opinions, but not many people can back up there argument with facts or statistics. They can’t say for example what the cost of living in a major city is forRead MoreImmanuel Kant: A Philosopher Who Influenced Society843 Words  | 4 PagesKant was born in April 22, 1724 in Kingdom of Prussia, German and died on February 12, 1804 at age 79. Philosopher Immanuel Kant composed different point of views to courage that we understand the world better. Kant is trying to tell us that there are many things that evolve around this world and that every little single element that we do makes the world what it is. Kant is well known for his work in the philosophy of ethics and metaphysics; also, he made an important astronomical discovery on theRead More Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Essay1093 Words  | 5 PagesChristian belief. Lewis does not say there is any particular way to believe but he does make a point that the topic of religion itself is serious. As you consider whether you want to believe or not, you have to recognize how much thought it requires, and how thought provoking a process this decision is. Lewis covers Christianity in four different books within his book. In book one, Lewis discusses the Law of Nature and makes note of a tendency in humans of appealing to a standard of absolute truth in quarrelsRead MoreIndividualism Vs Collectivism And Collectivism Essay1678 Words  | 7 PagesTITLE : Individualism vs Collectivism ABSTRACT Our world is a so vastly populated that the presence of differences among various socio-economic groups is natural phenomenon. One aspect among these differences is Individualism and Collectivism. Individualism can be observed in countries like USA, Canada, Netherlands, etc. while collectivism can be observed in Venezuela, Ecuador, etc.. While we study this topic one natural question comes to our mind is which Individualism or Collectivism should beRead MoreHumans Are The Lowest Animals1480 Words  | 6 Pagesessay which is about The Lowest Animal man even said that they were patriots and religious –according to them they were the most one- on the World. However, human kind were wrong that they had misunderstood being the highest animal on the world. Twain was right about his statements about the Morality that makes us more demonic animals. Also Twain has a point about our behaviour.Twain thought that we were killing more animals just for our passion instead of ma king shift, and he also uttered that we
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
How does Browning use the human voice to create character Essay Example For Students
How does Browning use the human voice to create character Essay All thress poems, Porphyrias Lover, My last Duchess and The laboratory are about murdering innocent people out of the desperateness of love and never wanting to lose that one perfect moment. In the poem, Porphyrias Lover, a blonde woman is the vistim but My Last Duchess is about killing the Duchess probabaly through jealously as she treated everyone equally and the husband might have wanted more love and admiration shown towards him alone from his Wife. the Laboratory chooses a woman to be the perpetrator, She is wvil. She is resourceful and terribly energetic as she knows how to get what she wants. Porphyrias Lover mimics natural speech. It actually takes the form of stictly structured werse, rhyming ABABB. The intensity of the pattern suggests the madness concealed within the speakers reasoned self-presentation. Like most of Brownings other dramatic monologues, this one captures a moment after a main event or action. Porphyria already lies dead when the speaker begins. Just as the nameless speaker seeks to stoop time by killing her, so, too, does this kind of poem, like the other two of Brownings centres on sex and violence. The lover turns out to be very possessive and the poem gets intense as we realise his obessiveness. The words with which the narrator describes the weather reflects his own feelings, The rain set early in to-night, the sullen wind was soon awake, implying that he had woken up in an angry, depressed mood, which is an exampleof transferred epithex. The nature around reflects the emotions of the characters concerned, It tore the elm-tops down for spite, And did its worst to vex the lake this shows the agressiveness of Porphyrias Lover. Words are being emphasised the moment she was mine, mine, fair, perfectly pure and good here is a example of repeated words showing that the nattator is very dominating and feels possessive about the lady. The motive seen here was to keep ths moment forever by freezing time- in other words, killing her so in his own mind she would have been his alone fore evermore. Reversal if control is symbolised by repetition of the lovers positions one with his/her head on others shoulders, made her smooth white shoulder bare. The monosyllables used are simple; calm, detached and unemotional, whereas say, compared to The Laboratory where the woman narrator, She expresses her feelings by employing harsh boarding He is sure to remember her dying face! In The Laboratory, the setting is a darker, colder enviornment. It is described as being the workplace of a chemist, a devils smithy which, in its own right would be a hellish and evil atmosphere. The smoke mentioned is a symbol of hard work and the fact that it is in a such place can only mean evil deeds are being mischievously conjured. It also reminds us of speels and magic. Although the poison is produced here, the sinister acts will take place elsewhere; Browning describes the apothecarys lair as hellish, and therefore can be thought of as the engine room for sin. Sinuous describes graceful, twisting movement, as of a dancer, and a vine. My Last Duchess gently kills the lady whereas in the other two poems they are killed violently. Phrases such as I debated what to do.. and string i would.. thress times around tell us that the speaker is unstable, has a obessive nature and highly dangerous in Porphyrias Lover. All thress poems have a theme if jealousy running through them. This is probably is the reason for killing the opposistion. My Last Duchess is a less violent poem and the narrator describes his Wife using emotive words giving us a good impression of her, though he means the words as a critism, too soon made glad. This dramatic monologue, My Last Duchess, is narrated by the Duke. He mensions that Shes passed away in the first few sentances, Thats my last Duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive, he prefers her as a piece of art because then Shes completely under his control. .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 , .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .postImageUrl , .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 , .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:hover , .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:visited , .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:active { border:0!important; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:active , .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8 .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u342b4baea5c58aa53d4fe28a84c9cdc8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Character Analysis Of The Many Facets Of Pearl I EssayUse of monosyllables which occurs in all thress of the poems, seems to lend emphasis by showing the rhythm. Repetition is a strong means of emphasis. The character, through his voice, engages the reader as one voice makes the story more immediate to the ambassador he is telling it to. The Duke shows his works of art with real enthusiasm: Neptune taming a sea-horse meaning taking control, making the Duchess seem like the sea-horse in this case with him in control. The Duke is quite a performer: He mimics others voices, creates hypothetical situations and uses the force of his personality to blend horrifying information into polite conversation. The poem provides a classic example of a dramatic monologue: the speaker is clearly distinct from the poet, an audience is suggested but never appears in the poem: Browning forces his reader to become involved in the poem in order to understand it and this adds to the fun of reading his work. It also forces this reader to question his or her own response to the subject portrayed and the method of portrayal. This is because we would suggest such a person to commit such a crime if he actually loved the person, it just shows his selfishness. The reason the speaker here gives for killing the Duchess differs from that given by the speaker of Porphyrias Lover for murdering Porphyria: however, both women are nevertheless victims of a male desire to control and posses a lobver/Wife. The desperate need to do this mirrors the efforts of the woman in The Laboratory because this poem is totally different from the other two. Here, the narrator is out for revenge, but her motives are the sae: to possess and control her lover. The Laboratory poem describes a sistuation where the nattator is persumed to be a woman unlike the other two poems, because here she uses poison a womans weapon. She wants it to be visible that her rival has died and wants her lover to witness the painful death. This is a pre-planned murder as in My Last Duchess it is only Porphyrias Lover when there is a real crime of passion unplanned. Overall i preferred Porphyrias Lover, as he is contemplating with honey in his voice and is actually unknowingly admitting to the act of murder. This sanity is questioned when she arrives at the house and he is sitting in the dark. Browning uses this to get a sense of foreboding established and you start to wonder why no lights are on or why there is no fire built. The speaker schemes in obscurity at the thought of going through with his plan, while at the same time describing her every move. This keeps the reader intrested and wanting to find out his next moves. In all thress poems, Browning makes us hear the narrators voice, as if were watching a play and this makes the poems come alive.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Reading Development free essay sample
As literate persons, we all know something about reading, writing, and literacy. In fact, our understanding of what literacy is varies widely. Jeanne Chall concluded in Learning to Read: the Great Debate (1983), that children get a better start in reading if they are taught phonics because they break the code that links what they hear with what they see in print. Harvard Professor Jeanne Chall has outlined the stages of reading development that begin at preschool age and continue until university age. The stages of reading development explains how students’ progress as readers. Chall’s proposed scheme for reading stages includes six stages with the purpose of understanding the path of reading development from pretend reading to advance reading. The basic philosophy is that children learn to read as a developmental process; also advocating for the use of both phonics and exposure to challenging literature as the best method of teaching young children to read. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her approach encompasses the development of decoding, comprehension, and critical evaluation. Chall considers that her proposed stages of reading development resemble Piaget’s stages of cognitive and language development (Chall 1996). Accordingly, the methodology used to implement the theory entails the following. Each reading stage has a definite structure and varies from the other stages in characteristic qualitative ways. Each stage follows a hierarchical progression. Chall believes that individuals progress through the reading stages by interacting with their environments and that this interaction affects the individual’s reading development as much as the progression of the distinct stages (Chall, 1996, p. 11). Chall’s six reading developmental stages that describe how children typically learn to read. According to Chall (1996), students proceed through predictable stages of learning to read to becoming a proficient reader. During the pre-reading stage up until about six years old, learners begin to control language. By the time the learner reach kindergarten, he should have some print knowledge and vocabularies of about 6, 000 words. Many children at this stage know how to write their names. In stage 1, the learners develop a sense of alphabetic principle and utilize new sound-spelling relationships. The learner at this stage is more likely to be given reading materials easy to understand texts and that contains simple reading texts. Through Grades 2 and 3, the learner is at the second stage where he develops decoding skills, fluency and additional strategies in reading texts. At stage 3, the learner encounter wide varieties of texts and context, and all the reading demands that accompany these experiences. They extend on background experiences and strategic habits in reading. At stage 4 to 5, though high school and college, the language and intellectual demands of reader increase. They can analyze texts critically and they construct their own individual uses of reading based on analysis and synthesis. The age and grade conditions for the different stage may vary as the child’s culture and environment plays a part in how fast they progress. Therefore, individuals progress through the reading stages at different rates. How fast they advance depends upon the interaction between individual (biological, motivational, cognitive) and environmental (home, school, community) factors. The characteristics and descriptions given for the different stages serve primarily as models, presented to covey how reading develops, and changes. There are many ways to bring about the same results in reading. For instance, there are many procedures in teaching beginning reading from letters and sound to words to stories. Yet designed to accomplish the major beginning reading task of decoding. A person’s progress through the stages is not a straight upward path. At any reading stage, the individual’s performance also depends on the difficulty of the task. If the task is new and no additional instruction is received, the reader may temporarily drop to a lower level. For example, a child who has learned to decode familiar text (Stage 2) will start â€Å"guessing†when material is too difficult. The text may contain many words that needed to be decoded, too many that are not recognized immediately, and too many unknown meanings. According to the proposed reading stages, the table below shows each stage of reading development, what the child is learning, types of activities and the materials a child will be using.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Diversity In An Organization Example
Diversity In An Organization Example Diversity In An Organization – Coursework Example DIVERSITY IN THE ORGANIZATION By Diversity in the Organization Diversity in an organization can be referredto as a combination of various qualities that are distinct from the organization’s practices (Phillips & Gully, 2013). Therefore, diversity can basically be composed of factors such as ethnicity, physical abilities, sexual orientation, marital status, race, gender, and religious background among others. To facilitate the creation of diversity in an organization that is traditionally homogeneous, managers should increase the workers awareness of and involvement in the various workforce diversity issues, monitor the work progress and focus on work data, set aggressive but achievable targets and eliminate miscommunication whilst ensuring close coordination among the workforce. Doing this will provide cohesiveness and unity within the organization thence making it easier to carry out the diversity process.The top management play a huge role in the development and implementati on of organizational diversity. Thus, there is need for top level management support in order for organization’s diversity to become a success. For instance, the managers must display a strong commitment towards the set diversity structure or program, they must also receive diversity training for the purposes of addressing factors such as stereotypes, myths, and other organizational barriers as well as cultural differences that may interfere with the work performance of employees. Likewise, the management must recognize diversity as part of the organization’s strategic objective thus linking it to other organizational goals. Furthermore, managers have also a duty to stress the importance of diversity throughout the organization and they should be held accountable for meeting the set goals and objectives for diversity.There are various problems that may accompany the implementation of diversity in an organization. For that reason, managers should be aware that, first, m any employees prefer doing their work in homogeneous groups and thus they would tend generally avoid and resist change. Besides, there is the challenge of poor communication due to the diverse work environment brought about by the different factors such as multiple ethnicities, sexes, age groups among others. To ensure that these challenges do not affect the success of diversity implementation in an organization, managers should possess good leadership skills as well as other skills such as change management, communication, organizational development, evaluation and assessment, and psychology among others. ReferencePhillips, J., & Gully, S. M. (2012). Organizational behavior: Tools for success. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Explore the Basic Fundamentals of Physics
Explore the Basic Fundamentals of Physics Physics is a systematic study of the natural world, particularly the interaction between matter and energy. It is a discipline that attempts to quantify reality through a precise application of observation coupled with logic and reason. In order to make use of such a discipline, you must first understand certain fundamentals. Only by learning the basics of physics can you build upon it and dive deeper into this field of science. Whether you are pursuing a career in physics or merely interested in its findings, it certainly is fascinating to learn about. What Is Considered Physics? To begin the study of physics, you must first understand what physics actually means. Understanding what falls within the realm of physics- and what does not- helps focus the field of study so you can formulate meaningful physics questions. Behind every question in physics lies four very important terms you will want to understand: hypothesis, model, theory and law. Physics can be either experimental or theoretical. In experimental physics, physicists address a scientific problem using techniques such as the scientific method in an attempt to prove a hypothesis. Theoretical physics is often more conceptual in that physicists are focused on developing scientific laws, such as the theory of quantum mechanics. These two forms of physics are related to each other and connected to other forms of scientific study. Quite often, experimental physics will test the hypotheses of theoretical physics. Physicists themselves can specialize in a variety of fields, from astronomy and astrophysics to mathematical physics and nanotechnology. Physics also plays a role in other fields of science, such as chemistry and biology. The Fundamental Laws of Physics The goal of physics is to develop precise models of physical reality. The best case scenario is to develop a series of very fundamental rules to describe how these models function. These rules are frequently called laws after they have been used successfully for many years. Physics is complicated, but it does fundamentally rely on a number of accepted laws of nature. Some are historical and groundbreaking discoveries in science. These include Sir Isaac Newtons Law of Gravity as well as his Three Laws of Motion. Albert Einsteins Theory of Relativity and the laws of thermodynamics also fall into this category. Modern physics is building off those monumental truths to study things such as quantum physics which explores the invisible universe. Similarly, particle physics seeks to understand the smallest bits of matter in the universe. This is the field where strange words like quarks, bosons, hadrons, and leptons enter the scientific dialogue that makes headlines today. The Tools Used in Physics The tools that physicists use range from the physical to the abstract. They include balance scales and laser beam emitters as well as mathematics. Understanding this wide range of tools and the methods for applying them is essential to understanding the process that physicists go through in studying the physical world. The physical tools include things like superconductors and synchrotrons, which are used to create intense magnetic fields. These can be applied in studies like the Large Hadron Collider or practically in the development of magnetic levitation trains. Mathematics is at the heart of physics and is vital in all fields of science. As you begin to explore physics, fundamentals such as using significant figures and going beyond the basics of the metric system will be important. Math and physics go much deeper as well and concepts like vector mathematics and the mathematical properties of waves are crucial to the work of many physicists. Historys Famous Physicists Physics does not exist in a vacuum (even though some physics is practiced in an actual vacuum). The forces of history have shaped the development of physics as much as any other field in history. Quite often, it is useful to understand the historical perspectives which led to our current understanding. That includes the ​many incorrect paths that were faltered along the way. It is also useful and intriguing to learn about the lives of the famous physicists of the past. The ancient Greeks, for instance, combined philosophy with the study of natural laws and are particularly known for an interest in astronomy. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Galileo Galilei further studied, observed, and experimented with the laws of nature. Though he was persecuted in his time, he is regarded today as the father of science (coined by Einstein) as well as modern physics, astronomy, and observational science. Galileo inspired and was followed by famous scientists like Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Richard P. Feynman, and Stephen Hawking. These are just a few of the names of physics history that have shaped our understanding of how our world works. Their abilities to challenge accepted theories and devise new ways of looking at the universe have inspired physicists who continue to achieve scientific breakthroughs.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Metropolis reivew Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Metropolis reivew - Essay Example As The Guardian observer said, Metropolis predicted the ideology of the class and race in 20th century (Bradshaw). Metropolis in a very distinct and accurate way combines social criticism, science fiction, psychological narrative and powerful love story. The combination of these factors makes it incredibly interesting to watch and impossible to ignore its huge contribution to the cinema medium and science fiction genre. Fritz Lang’s masterpiece is full of allegories, symbols and metaphors, but nevertheless it tells quite simple story though makes it in a way that makes viewer feel involved. The story tells us about the struggle between two different classes, which are represented by the love-duo of Freder and Maria who met each other by chance. The struggle takes place in the dystopian futuristic city of Metropolis which is ruled by indolent and cruel industrialists, who live in big skyscrapers and oppressed laborers who live underground. As you can see, Mr. Lang puts working class under the ground literally where they work hard so the city can stay alive, no matter what the cost is. Real millionaires of that time would be probably happy to put rebelling working class out of their minds and sight -under the ground. In the era of industrial progress when machines started taking control over the manufacture and human life in general, Metropolis turned out to be especially up-to-date. This industrial circumrotation was portrayed as horrible and fearful Molloh which can obviously be interpreted as Biblical symbol. While in real life hard-working families were hungry and op pressed with their job being taken from them and given to machines, Molloh-machine eats workers like a hungry giant or a savage beast in the movie. As Mr. Roger Ebert said, Metropolis forestalled countless symbolic and futuristic cities of the many films to come (Ebert). The City of Metropolis is a symbol of inequity and oppression because it is built with unhappiness and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Public Health Policies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Public Health Policies - Research Paper Example This paper analyzes a major health problem, obesity, and the legal and ethical rationale for proposing three policy alternatives for resolving this chronic health problem. With the continuous challenge of guaranteeing public health it is not surprising that policymakers are looking for alternative policies to mitigate the negative effect of childhood obesity which at present appears to offer no solution. A primary apprehension about childhood obesity is that affected children have a tendency to carry obesity until adulthood, with the enlarged possibility of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, and several other chronic illnesses (Saunders & Harrison, 2007). Hence, it seems legally and ethically justifiable to immediately act in response through collaborative efforts between parents, communities, health practitioners, and policymakers. It is time to recommend alternative policies because these abovementioned individuals and groups have had necessary information and, still, the pr oblem persists to rise. Even though parents are informed of the weight condition of their children, a lot of them are hesitant to publicly acknowledge or categorize their children as overweight or obese. Most parents think of obesity as an aesthetic concern, not a health problem (Strychar, 2004). Hence, building awareness of health threats and encouraging correct response is a sensitive recommendation and alternative policies should move ethically to prevent aggressive discrimination. Attempts to address and mitigate childhood obesity should consider information dissemination, analysis, and intervention. The primary health, economic, social, political, and ethical repercussions of these problems suggest the need for collaborative efforts between private scientific funding organizations and the government (Strychar 2004). Looking into the future, it appears that First World nations cannot allow the continuation of childhood obesity problem, weakening academic achievements, and absenc e of initiative to accept accountability (Thompson, 2004). If a country aims to flourish globally, then it has to institute groundwork of socially competent and bright individuals. Alternative standards of government policies are required. Three Alternative Policies for Childhood Obesity (1) The government should deal with the inadequacy of information by obliging stakeholders to provide it. The Nutritional Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) should be enhanced to promote the competence of food-related companies through mandating comprehensive nutritional information. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain how to make nutrition information understandable for adolescent and children consumers. Additional studies are required on this matter. The ethical concerns addressed by this policy are (a) the conditions of food processing, crop growing, animal rearing, and product marketing; (b) the contribution of the food-related company to the larger society; and (c) the relationship between consum ers, processors, and producers. (2) The government, alongside public schools, should safeguard children from publicity and advertising. The government will be entirely accountable for the advertising sector. Due to insufficient budget allocations, several school districts have entered into an agreement with Channel One, which provides them resources, educational paraphernalia, and televisions in return for permitting Channel One to promote
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Olivier Panis Essay Example for Free
Olivier Panis Essay In der film Der Promise gibt es viele eregnisse wie kommt zwischen Sophie un Konrad, zum biespiel. An der anfang das film, konrad zi gert wann Sophie und ihre freunde geht in der Abwasserkanal. Konrad war der eignisse leute wie geht nicht in der Abwasserkanal und war bei der Deutchse Armee ertappt. Das war nur der beginne auf der probleme wie kommt zwischen Sophie und Konrad. Konrad war aufgezwungt bei ihre vater der Deutsche Armee eintreten. Konrad war ein Wandschutze. Wann Konrad der Armee verlassen hat, er ihre Ausbildung fortgesetzt. Wi hrend das Sophie fur ihr Tante arbeitet. Ihr Tante arbeitet als eine Kleider Verki uferin, fi r reich leute. Spater in das Film, Sophie und Konrad andgeordnet in Prague zu Treffen. Sie mit einander sehr gut auskommen. Sophie kleide schwanger. Aber wann der Russe Armee eindrignt Prague, dann Sophie zuri ck nach Deutschland verschwindet. Konrad besucht Sophie und ihr neue Mann, und er auch besucht ihre Kind, heisst Alex. Er war 10 jahre alt. Aber Konrad auch hat ihre eigen neue familie. Aber wir als die Beschauer, kann sehe als sie mochtet zusammen sein. Die leben aus Konrad un Sophie ist wie die leben aus Berlin. An der Anfang, Berlin war zusammen, es was nur ein Stadt heisst Berlin, aber es war abgetrennt und so war Konrad und Sophie. In der Meinung auf die groi ji hrigkeit aus der Ureinwohner, Berlin sollte als nur ein Stadt bleiben, aber die Regierung sagt als es war erforderlich. Der abgang aus Berlin auch abgesondert Sophie und Konrad.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce Essay -- Workforce Employ
Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce Successful management of a diverse workforce poses many challenges in the confusing aspects of diversity that exist in today’s workplace. Equal employment opportunity is an attempt to pay retribution for past errors and many say it was a good beginning but more is needed. We commonly read and hear the increasingly popular term diversity training. The new catchphrase to be found gaining popularity in the workforce is inclusion. With all these confusing concepts, just how can management develop a successful strategy to manage a diverse workforce? The term diversity needs to be defined, as it is applicable in the workplace. Equal Employment Opportunity focused primarily on gender and race. Diversity, though, is filled with many more criteria than just gender and race. Diversity is defined in one article (â€Å"Value of Cultural Diversity,â€Å" 1997) as â€Å"not part of the mainstream, popular culture. In this nation, our popular culture, or ideal business success, is white, young, heterosexual, Christian, and male.†This description, while blunt, may indeed reflect what diversity in the workforce represents. Anyone in the workforce who does not meet the criteria stated in the article would be an example of diversity. When we add age, marital or family status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and disabilities the pool of a diverse workforce outside of gender and race gets rather deep indeed. Management strategies must adapt to be effective in managing this expanded diverse workforce. Management in America has historically always dealt with a diverse workforce. During the days under British colonialism a majority of the workforce were religious minorities, political dissidents, minor criminals, and indentured servants from Britain. Further diversifying the workforce was the practice of importing African slaves. After the American Independence, the American workforce began seeing many German and Irish immigrants who were Roman Catholic, which increased as the nineteenth century progressed. Actually, according to Hatton and Williamson (1998), during the second half of the nineteenth century, â€Å" the rate of Irish emigration was more than double that of any other European country, with as many as 13 per thousand emigrating each year†. While the Irish were flooding the workforce from Europe, the Chinese were also flowing into... ...r of the skin we're born with but we can control what we put in our noses.†When does inclusion become intrusion on the dominant culture? How far must the dominant culture bend over to accommodate the multitude of differences found in today’s society? As a nation of diversity, haven’t we already adapted enough without making special concessions for every person with a difference? Recognizing both the differences and the commonalities among the various individuals comprising one’s workplace and instituting fair and balanced strategies are the keys to successful management of a diverse workforce. References Beck, B. E. (1999, July). Style and modern writing [Special issue]. Prose Magazine, 126, 96-134. Gode, S. M., Orman, T. P., & Carey, R. (1967). Writers and writing. New York: Lucerne Publishing. MacDonald, S. E. (1993). Words. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (vol. 38, pp. 745-758). Chicago: Forty-One Publishing. Wilson, J. C. (2001). Scientific research papers. In Stewart, J. H. (Ed.), Research papers that work (pp. 123-256). New York: Lucerne Publishing. Xenon, R. M. (2002). Birth order and romantic attachment style. Journal of Research in Personality, 22, 236-252.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Where I Was From: An Exploration of Joan Didion’s Personal and Social Unrest
Where I Was From is a cultured collection of essays written in 2003. To be able to fully understand the intricate notions woven in the book, there is a need to comprehend the creator’s style and background, for the readers to visualize where all the viewpoints and misapprehensions come from. Joan Didion, the creator behind this politically, socially and emotionally linked memoir is a renowned American journalist, essayist, and novelist. Much of her works relates to her life in California, her hometown, mostly during the 1960’s. She is commended for her style in writing mixed personal reflections and social analyses. She writes about paranoia, clear-eyed analyses of the American culture, and personal and social discontent. She was known to be a conservative writer during her early years, but later adapted to the liberal tenets of democracy. She had written five novles, eight nonfiction including Where I come From, and also had collaborations with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, in writing a number of screenplays (Encyclopedia of World Biography on Joan Didion, n. . , p. 1). Where I Was From centers about the history of California, and Joan Didion’s relationship to it and to her mother. Noticeably, she loves the use of commas and lengthy sentences to highlight her narration. Her tune seems melancholic, expressing her confusions about the place, and the way in which she grew up. She feels that there is a sense of perplexity on which she has become. Thus, she contemplated on the American frontier myth, which refers to the unresolved land outside the region of existing settlements of Americans. The American Frontier is a ‘mythical place’ where unrestrained free land was available, resulting to unlimited opportunity (Eidenbach, 2008, p. 99). Where I Was From 3 She also pinpointed the ferocity of a group of popular white high school men, referred to as the Spur Posse incident of 1993. They used a ‘point-system’ record to account for their sexual conquests (Fineman, 1997, p. 177). In addition, when the industry about aircrafts and defense weaponries during the World War II flourished, the people from Lakewood, Califfornia, did as well. Later on, it turned out that the industry was built with the Feds support. Dismally, when that support was withdrawn, the industry doomed. These facts are just some of the historical context implicated in the book (Godbersen, 2003, p. 1). Based on my understanding, Joan Didion uses this as a metaphor in comparison with her life, and generally the rustic myth of California’s origins. What is seen and observed literally does not depict the real circumstances being dealt upon. The veneer of life’s misapprehensions cannot be uncovered by the present analysis itself, for circumstances are intertwined and indeed perplexing to the mind. She compares it with her life, believing she had known herself and her history for so long, only to find out that her viewpoints are inadequate to portray the truth. Joan Didion’s work is so complex in it entirety, it was rich with personal experiences and historical context throughout each essay. Some facts were even misleading to the querying mind. Nevertheless, they are still all intertwined with each other, somehow. It is difficult to summarize such an intricate work, but she retaliates to her readers with an overall realization, that is, the culture that we see today is a direct consequence of a population of survivalists. References Eidenbach, K. (2008). Critical Legal Studies and the Lawless Frontier. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: Encyclopedia of World Biography on Joan Didion. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: Fineman, M., & McCluskey, M. (October 1, 1997). Feminism, Media, and the Law. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: http://books.,M1 Godbersen, A. (October 15, 2003). California story. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from:
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Personal Statement: Expo Reading and Writing
I'm not a leader In ASB for the awards or admiration, although I respect those few who do choose to lead for the credibility. I don't lead for the satisfaction, although my never ending smile at the end of a good rally indicates otherwise. I don't lead because I have anything to prove, although I've proven a lot to myself along the way. I lead for the feeling of every student on my campus becoming one, so perfectly matched In school spirit and school pride.I lead to feel the rush of my heart every ime I see a sea of orange and hear the deafening cheer of the crowd. I lead because it Isn't easy to get thousands In a school Involved I lead for the challenge to fill the stands at every rally fill and to fill every seat at any blood drive. I am a leader in ASB to get my message across so know I left a legend when I turn to leave for college. I not only lead for myself, but for my fellow students as well, my family and my equals.Prompt 2 I was working on a school project when I got a call from my dad saying he was coming right away to come pick me up, I remember the sheathing anger I felt arguing hat no he wasnt going to pick me up that I really needed to flnlsh this school project. I still shake my head in dismay knowing the fact I in fact didnt need to finish the project I Just wanted to hang out with my friends. I cant pretend that I didnt sulk my way to my dad's waiting vehicle that I looked at him with a scowl across my face.Nor can I wipe away from my memory the words he said next mfour sister is in the hospital, she's lost her baby and she's asking for you. †This complete wash of emotion that came over me the shame the concern I was mortified with myself. How could I ave been so mad about my Importance when my sister had Just faced a devastating event? Looking up and saying â€Å"Take me to her. †The drive to the hospital was long I sat in a seat of despair. What would I say to my sister? How would I face her? ye never been one to be comfortabl e around sadness; my childhood had been stripped of innocence as I had faced several of my mother's divorces and countless deaths. I had taught myself to be unemotional towards sickness and sorrow for they brought never ending hurt and unmasked truths to lies. Should I cry when I knew my eyes would be dry? Going into my sisters hospital room I looked from her so fragile and upset to my mother's face streaked with tears. My meek voice barely audible above the beeping of many machines â€Å"Hey there. Was it wrong that I felt uncomfortable around all the sickness and gloom that came hand in hand with hospitals, like I could feel the reaper in every corner? All I could do was make Jokes when it wasnt time to laugn, my attempt to Drlng napplness wnere none could De Touna. loucn my sister's hand while asking myself â€Å"Am I doing this right? †My dad wouldn't stop looking at me after we left constantly asking are you alright? Calculating and recording every answer every movemen t I made.Truth is I don't know if I was alright I didn't know if I was allowed to be. My sister has never really been the same since that event, but then again no one else has been either. My mom cherishes us children a little bit more. My sister cherishes those who supported her and held her hand through the situation. And l, well I cherish my family every second of every day. â€Å"Life is fragile†, a saying used in many ways, but one doesn't really know how fragile a life is until youVe been there to see its fragility.
Friday, November 8, 2019
songs for the pearl essays
songs for the pearl essays Song # 1 Otherside by: Red Hot Chili Peppers, album: Californication, 1999 I think this song well describes the feeling in the Book The Pearl at the time when Kino and Juana were walking home from the hill with a rifle and their dead baby, the song shows their pain, and they, in a sense are taking their lives on the otherside (title of song) because once such a life influencing change is made in your life like that you are trapped on the otherside of life and society, you are now the center of attention because of the way your life has so much changed. I think the song Promise By Eve 6 is the perfect song to express the deep feeling in the way the reader observes the adrenaline rush Kino and Juana are experiencing as they begin their enduring journey away from home, in fear if being killed for killing. Ill Run away with you if things dont go as planned, and it can be a gamble, but Ive already rolled the dice. Eve 6. These words sum up what I am trying to say entirely. Song #3 Smells Like Teen Spirit by: Nirvana, 1991 This song shows the immense fear of the moment when Kino decides to try to kill the trackers and slithers from bush to bush, building up the courage in his head; I think if the Song of evil was a real song it would sound like this song. Load up our guns, bring your friends, its hard to loose, your to content these words describe the feeling you can almost see when Kino is about to leap out from the bush he was hiding behind. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Deadly Hazard of Avalanches
The Deadly Hazard of Avalanches Avalanches have always occurred in the mountainous regions of the world. With the growth of winter-time recreations, fatalities have been on the rise since the 1950s. Avalanches claim over 150 lives each year worldwide and hundreds more are injured or trapped following an avalanche. Ninety percent of all avalanches occur on moderate slopes with an angle of 30Â ° to 45Â ° (snow tends not to accumulate on steeper slopes). Avalanches occur when the gravity pushing the collection of snow at the top of the slope is greater than the strength of the snow itself. A change in temperature, a loud noise, or vibrations are all that are necessary to trigger one of these snowfalls that begin at a starting zone. The avalanche continues downslope along the track and ultimately the avalanche fans out and settles in the runout zone. What Country Gets the Most Avalanches? Internationally, the Alpine countries of France, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy experience the greatest number of avalanches and loss of life annually. The United States ranks fifth worldwide in avalanche danger. The states of Colorado, Alaska, and Utah are the most deadly. Avalanche Prevention and Control Avalanche prevention and mitigation involves a variety of methods. Snow fences are built to prevent the buildup of snow in starting zones, structures are built to stabilize snow. deflecting walls are built to divert avalanche flows away from buildings and even entire towns. Sheds build across roadways that pass through persistent avalanche paths can help to protect motorists from avalanches. Additionally, the reforestation of slopes with trees helps to prevent avalanches. Sometimes avalanche control experts actually desire to create smaller, controlled avalanches to prevent larger, uncontrolled ones. Percussion guns, explosives, and even artillery have been used to produce these controlled avalanches when people are kept away. Although a variety of recreationists spend time in snow-covered mountains - snowmobilers are those most often killed by avalanches in the U.S. Most avalanches in the U.S. occur during the months January, February, and March and on average, 17 are killed annually nationwide. Backcountry explorers are strongly advised to not only know how to identify avalanche hazard areas but also to carry an avalanche beacon/transceiver and a shovel in case of emergency.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Role of the United Nations in Transforming Global Governance Essay - 10
The Role of the United Nations in Transforming Global Governance - Essay Example Drawing off of secondary research literature describing the role of the United Nations as both a peacekeeping organization and ensuring human rights as related to democracy. As a peacekeeping entity, with a focus on democratization as an outcome for maintaining global stability, the United Nations has recently come under considerable scrutiny in regards to whether the agency has failed in the task of guiding post-conflict societies, such as Kosovo, toward political stability (Pritchard, 2001: 185). Having an ideology focused around democracy as the most viable method of national governance, likely inspired by the many Westernised nations incorporating the United Nations, the UN appears to have adopted the values of democracy, in terms of promoting human rights and maintaining global peace and stability. As part of their governing authority, various resolutions are created which focus on sanctioning nations which maintain potential threats to international stability. The aforementione d is quite evident in the UN today as the United Nations has agreed to a new round of sanctions on Iran due to the threat of chemical and biological warfare stemming from the nation (Financial Times, 2008). Using their authority for global governance, the new sanctions involved attempts to stop the flow of nuclear materials into Iran and to halt the efforts of those who support underground nuclear sales (Financial Times). Additional sanctions include restricting travel for Iranians expected to be involved in nuclear efforts. The main concept of these new UN sanctions is to send the public message that the agency believes in democratization as an expected outcome of global governance, publicising efforts to halt activities of nations which provide threats to democratic living and the promotion of human rights. However, despite the best efforts of the UN, the agency is continuously under attack for failing to meet social or civil expectations.
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Contemporary Hospitality Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
The Contemporary Hospitality Industry - Essay Example The diversification within the industry ranges from one-person operations to multinational mega-corporations. In just the accommodations area alone, the offerings within the UK range from small mom-and-pop bed and breakfast operations to huge five-star hotels. The bed and breakfast operations are generally carried on by citizens wishing to keep historical homes in good repair, so they offer, patients during the season to supplement their income. These operations are generally quite comfortable and offer a full English breakfast. They are extremely popular for two reasons: the cost is lower and the service is more personal and offers the opportunity to get to know some local people. The price range of bed-and-breakfast within the UK starts at a low of around 7 pounds per night per person to a rather high 75 pounds per night per room. This last is rather palatial, while the first is generally offered in the lower-cost areas, such as Wales. Due to their popularity, some commercial B & B operations have opened in recent years. Other accommodations range from smaller hotels to very large establi shments, which offer a huge range of services. (William Reed Ltd 2007 )The price range here starts at around 35 pounds per night per person to a high of several thousand pounds per night per suite. Quite a few of these still offer the customary English breakfast, but economics are causing many establishments to phase this out. The second-largest sector of the UK hospitality industry is food. While the UK is not exactly famous for its cuisine, the variety of food service is really quite grand. This ranges from street vendors and tiny one-person quick service places to small chippies, take-aways, fast food chains in local restaurants, too small and large pubs, teahouses and cafeterias, and finally to grand restaurants in scenic locations and large five-star hotels. Good solid food, such as that found in most pubs, is
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
TOPIC C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
TOPIC C - Essay Example I can imagine how crucial it would be to develop analytical skills and train creative faculties of mind for every engineer who is bound to pursue a career in the industry where it takes pure heart and determination to exercise potentials toward achieving optimum results. Besides scholastic endeavour, I could foresee much fruitfulness in active participation through extra-curricular activities by which to become disposed to communicating with different kinds of people with diverse educational orientation and cultural background. This would enable socialization that is vital to my growth as an engineering student in need of learning via individual effort and that derived from dynamic human relation, in equal measures. Engaging in organizations that facilitate such activities may direct me to satisfy professional aims in the light of understanding the world better and know thereafter what I can do at best to serve it as I discover rich source of ideas and values to obtain and impart by means of constant interaction with others, in and out of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Typical Stereotypes Of Males And Females
Typical Stereotypes Of Males And Females What defines males from females? Many times people can name off many physical characteristics that tend to be commonly known differences between males and females. For example: males tend to have some of the following-shorter hair, wear looser fitting clothing, shorter fingernails, chest hair, facial hair, more bodily hair in general, taller, stronger, deeper voice, thicker skin, more physically aggressive and more physical jobs (such as, mining, construction, farming, surgeons and engineering). Whereas, women tend to have some of the following-longer hair, wear tighter fitting clothing, longer fingernails, less bodily hair, average height, higher pitch voice, softer/thinner skin, express emotions openly and tend to have jobs helping people (nurses) or working with children (daycare, teacher). These physical characteristics are not the only thing that may differentiate males and females; there are many other characteristics that may also be present. However, I not only think of these characteristics but also about stereotypes that are set for males and females. I see these stereotypes as follows: females tend to be stay at home moms, taking/caring for children and others, and in charge of the housework. Whereas, males tend to be the ones who are out and off doing the farm work or having a job to bring home the money and are consider the protectors of their family or over others. These stereotypes are shown with the differences in males and females in the following two short stories; which are: The Horse Dealers Daughter by D.H. Lawrence and The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck. The Horse Dealers Daughter by D.H. Lawrence is about a girl, Mabel, who lives at home with her three brothers. They are all sitting around the table after their fathers death, which left them in major debt. However, Mabels brothers are able to go off and find work; whereas Mabel is in a predicament on what to do. (All she has ever known is taking care of the house and fulfilling that role of her mother after she had died.) The stereotypes I have stated earlier are shown throughout this short story with the differences between males and females. Mabels brothers were able to go off and find a job and are able to bring home money for themselves. As Lawrence states, Joe was luckilyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦engaged to a woman as old as himself, and therefore her father, who was steward of a neighboring estate, would provide him with a job (p. 235). Since they know what they are doing with their life this leaves her brothers concerned about what she is going to do because they à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦got to be out by Wednesdayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p. 237). They bring up the option of Mabel going and staying with their sister, Lucy; because as her brother Fred states, I dont see what else you can do (p. 236). Implying that it isnt common for women to go out and have jobs, like men do, to bring home money. However, going to live with her sister, Lucy, is not what Mabel wants to do. She wants to stay at the house and continue to be the motherly figure, along with taking of others, her brothers, with doing the household chores. Even though the house was servantless now, and desolate (empty) (p. 239). Meaning that she would not have anyone to care for but herself. She is still use to doing those household chores. Lawrence explains this as he states, she began putting the dishes together (p. 238). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Mabel came in again, to finish clearing the table (p. 239) and she folded the white table-cloth, and put on the chenille cloth (p. 239). All of these go along with the typical women stereotype that they are in charge of the housework and keeping things tidy for the others. Even though Mabels life consisted of this work and fell under the female stereotype, she still felt established, proud and reserved, so long as there was money (p. 240). However, now that there was no money due to the debt they were left in, Mable had become threaten with what she was going to do with her life. Because she had kept house for ten yearsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦keeping the home together in (penury) for her (ineffectual) brothersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p. 240). But now Mabel had been servant less in the big house for months (p. 240) and not knowing what to do. The debt has caused her to lose all her confidence, of how important the housework (she did) really was. Which is shown when Lawrence states, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the sense of money had kept her proud, confident (p. 240). With them being in debt and only knowing the housework, this had brought the endà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for Mabel (p. 240); Meaning that Mabel did not see any good in her life anymore because she did not have the household chores to do or the opportunity to take care of others. This causes her to decide the best thing for her would to be dead along with her mother. This is shown as Lawrence explains how Mable à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦walked slowly and deliberately towards the center of the pond, very slowly, gradually moving deeper into the motionless water, and still moving forward as the water got up to her breast. Then he (Dr. Jack Furguson) see her no more in the dusk of the dead afternoon (p. 243). As Dr. Jack Furguson watches her slowly try and kill herself he feels the need to do something about it. This is where the male stereotype of being the protectors of their family and others comes into play and being present in Dr. Jack Furguson. Males have the tendency to feel and provide protection over their family and others but also are tend to known to be stronger than females, which is shown as Lawrence describes the following about Dr. Jack Furguson. Dr. Jack Furguson went into the pond after Mabel to save and protect her. Lawrence states, he slowly ventured into the pond (p. 243); he went very slowly, carefully, absorbed in the slow progress. He rose higher, climbing out of the pond. The water was now only about his legs; he was thankful, full of relief to be out of the clutches of the pond. He lifted her and staggered onto the bank, out of the horror of wet, grey clay (p. 244). After Dr. Jack Furguson saved her life he took her back to get her out of her wet clothes and to get her warmed up. As he removed her saturated, earthy-smelling clothing, rubbed her dry with a towel, and wrapped her naked in the blankets (p. 245), he did it out of protecting her and saving her, but also because he is a doctor and the need he feels to help others due to his profession. However, the male stereotype of being protective of their family and others caused a problem between Mabel and Dr. Jack Furguson. Mabel didnt see him as just being protective but as him doing this because of the love he felt for her. This resulted her and believing that he loved her and her having that feeling of being able to take care of and do housework for someone again. The Horse Dealers Daughter by D.H. Lawrence showed many different examples of the stereotypes between males and females. These stereotypes explicitly show us the gender differences between two people. Another short story that shows us gender differences between two people is The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck. The Chrysanthemums not only shows gender differences but also how the male and female stereotypes are not always true or accurate. As in The Horse Dealers Daughter, besides the housework that is a typical stereotype for females, there is also the garden work that they tend to do. This is shown in the short story The Chrysanthemums. As Elisa works in her garden with her chrysanthemums it is seen how this is her pride and joy; just as the housework was for Mabel. Steinbeck shows how important Elisas gardening is to her as he describes all the time that she spends there. For example, cutting the old, getting the new crop ready and how to care for them. As Steinbeck states, Its the budding that takes the most careà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p. 444). Elisas chrysanthemums is what she cares about and what she wants to take care of; just as Mabel wanted to be able to do housework and take care of others, her brothers. Not only was the stereotype for the females shown in this short story but also for males. This is shown first as her husband had asked her if she wanted to go out to eat for dinner but then after that if she wanted to go the fights. Males wanting to watch and go to the fights can be related to their more physically aggressive behavior and how they find the fights to be appealing to them. Not only does her husband have somewhat of a stereotype of males but so does the guy who stops and talks to her on his way by. The man came off with having at least one of the physical characteristics of males such as being tall, strong and a man who works to bring home the money. This is shown as Steinbeck states, Elisa saw that he was a very big man. The calloused hands he rested on the wire fence were cracked, and every crack was a black line (p. 441). The man made general conversation with Elisa but then begin to tell her about what he does for work and how he is looking for work to do in order to bring home the money for his food. As Steinbeck states, Maybe you noticed the writing on my wagon, I mend pots and sharpen knives and scissors. You got any of them things to do? (p. 442). Elisa goes on to tell the man that she doesnt as she continues to work with her chrysanthemums. Then the man states how this is his job and needing the work by saying, I aint had a thing to do today. Maybe I wont have no supper tonight (p. 442). The previous sentence shows how work and bringing home the money for food or care for himself, family or others is very important to men and goes along with their stereotype of being workers and typically protective and in charge of making sure everyone gets what they need in life. As they continue on with their conversation and the man finds some common ground, her plants, to talk to her about; he is slowly able to convince her of giving into him. He asks for some plants and then for a pot to fix too. With females falling under the stereotype that they do, Elisa wants to be able to take care of others; so she ends up feeling sorry for the man and gives him some of her chrysanthemums and a pot. Even though Elisa falls into the typical female stereotype she is still able to move beyond these gender roles. This is shown later in the short story when Elisa and her husband are going to go out to eat and she wants wine at dinner. This is not the only thing that shows Elisa moving beyond her gender roles but also when she talks to Henry, her husband, about the fights and states, Well, Ive read how they break noses, and blood runs down their chests. Ive read how the fighting gloves get heavy and soggy with blood (p. 448). This statement is showing her going beyond her gender roles because most females typically are not interested in fighting, weather that be watching it or reading about it. In conclusion, both short stories The Horse Dealers Daughter and The Chrysanthemums portray gender differences by the authors using examples that relate to the typical stereotypes seen in males and females. The issues the authors portray of the societies describes how most people tend to have these male and female stereotypes and that these are what most people tend to believe and follow and think or relate too. However, as in The Chrysanthemums these stereotypes for males and females are not always true for everyone.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Devestation Man Brings upon Himself in Goldings Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers
William Golding's Lord of the Flies is a story that has hidden symbolism. It is about a group of British schoolboys fleeing from England during World War 1. Their plane crashes on a deserted tropical island. Once on the island they have to cope with their new ?adult-less? life and make rules to live by. After spending time on the island, the boys begin to struggle for power which leads to several problems. The experience on the island serves as a symbol of life in the outside world and the devastation that man brings upon himself. Setting, specific characters, and symbolism help show this. The setting of the story is an important symbol of the outside world. Certain circumstances that happen on the island coincide what happens in the outside world. The world is in the midst of World War 1. On the island Jack and Ralph have their own war happening. The boys set fire to the island. It was a mistake, but they were enjoying it: ?At the sight of the flames and irresistible course of fire, the boys broke into a shrill, excited laughter.? They were enjoying the fire, though it was causing destruction and even killed an innocent boy. However, they were not much bothered by the thought because it did not involve them directly. They built ?war like? forts, even though there was nothing worth protecting. The island is like a miniature world. Certain circumstances that happen in the world happen on a miniature scale on the island. Specific characters in the story represent people in the outside world. Jack represents a dictator, like Hitler or Mussolini. He controls everything around him and abuses his power. He would take littluns and randomly beat them because he had more power over them. The littluns represented the masses. They would flow towards the leader that seemed the best for them. All they wanted to do was have fun, relax, and hunt. Jack provided all of that. Piggy was the voice of intelligence and reasoning: ?Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up He was the most intelligent person on the island and the rules came from him. Each person?s true identity came out on the island, for better or for worse, and they are all representative of to people in the outside world. The symbolism throughout the entire novel was significant. Jacks mindless hunters never spoke out against their leader.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Youth obesity
Game consoles, MacDonald's, KFC, all companies that provide entertainment and fried foods for kids are the main causers of the growing number of children becoming obese. These companies are so prevalent on today's youth's lives that they make a profound impact on their health. With the rate that these companies are expanding worldwide, the rate at which children are becoming obese is bound to become even worse. Every corner you go around especially in America you will find a fast food restaurant. This is the main reason why America has the highest youth obesity rate. During the past 30 years the percentage of obese children between the ages of 6 and 11 has tripled. It is amazing is it not all we have to do to change this is adjust our food intake and watch our daily activities so I ask of you to join me and change for the better of our own lives. There are three causes of youth obesity that stood out from the rest for me. These are poor nutrition, low self esteem and a less – active – youth. Eating healthy means taking a lot more time to prepare a meal and it costs more than a readymade, extremely fast, unwatched while being cooked and full of oil fast food meal. A lot of parents are not educated with what is right for their children to be eating. So they leave their children to enjoy what they like instead of having a balanced diet. Children's self esteems lower when they are obese because of society's influences on being thin. As they get more obese their social interactions with other youths decrease because of this influence. Now the low self esteem that develops leads to children no longer being around others thus making them become less active which helps to make children even more obese. A study performed by Research Triangle Institute International for the Centres of Disease Control in Washington, DC surveyed 986 parents on childhood obesity and prevention. The results were as follows 49.5% did not feel schools had the right to record children's weights. 72.9% felt that schools needed to provide weight loss and exercise programs. 39.1% thought an increase on the tax of fast food was constructive. 42.31% favoured the standardization of food portions in restaurants. You must be thinking that to stop obesity means we just have to remove fat from our diets. But you would be wrong stopping obesity does not just mean removing fat from your diets. Usually when people remove fat from their diet they will increase their intake of sugar, high density carbohydrates, and starches. This means you are having a low protein and fat meal which often leave people feeling hungry which leads to them filling their stomachs as soon as possible with whatever they can find to eat. That is wrong. You need to have and stick to a balanced diet. Most of us eat 3 large meals, breakfast, lunch and supper. That too is wrong. You need to eat six small meals and your last meal should be eaten at least two hours before going to sleep to allow for you to burn all fat and energy from the meal. This information was given to me by an actual dietician from CFB. Coming back to the topic of game consoles and I would like to add into that topic television. The question is, is television a friend or foe of youth obesity is what I shall answer for you. Every hour a child sits and plays a video game or watches TV they may double their risk of becoming obese. Glenda Nichols, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Tarrant County College she stated in an interview that on average a child watches or plays a video games for 7.1 hours a day. That equals to 25,000 hours of being in front of a television by the time that they would be seniors in high school. That is extremely dangerous because children are guaranteeing their chances of becoming obese. Some long term effects of childhood obesity are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes. These are all very dangerous for the human body. But these are just a few of the many associated problems. More problems associated with obesity are: 1. Diabetes 2. Hyperlipidemia 3. Blood circulation diseases like arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and palsy 4. Skin disease 5. Joint problems, back, knee, and ankle pain 6. Liver disease 7. Cholelithiasis 8. Menstrual abnormalities 9. Female infertility 10. Breast cancer 11. Endometrium cancer 12. Decline in libido 13. Mental stress We all live in a society that sends out very strong messages about beauty and body weight. Girls are encouraged to constantly diet and exercise until they attain a fit, thin body. Boys are told to constantly work out and do whatever is necessary to attain a buff, muscular figure. Am I wrong? So come on let's follow the messages society sends to all of us together. I ask all of you to not do it for me but to do it for yourself. You will not forget it especially in the long run. So come on let's get healthy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Moo Cow Frozen Yogurt
Moo Cow Frozen yogurt it is also low in calories and high in calcium and protein. In fact, it contains a higher content of calcium per 100g when compared to milk and cheese! Moo Cow is the most impressive frozen yogurt in terms of calcium content, with a whopping 844. 3mg of calcium per 100g serving. Other than being high in calcium, FroYo also contains all the beneficial ingredients of yogurt such as probiotics (the â€Å"good bacteria†) with health benefits ranging from boosting the immune system, helping digestion, lowering cholesterol as well as combating stress and allergies.Frozen yoghurt needs to have 107 viable â€Å"live and active†lactic acid bacteria per gram at time of manufacture in order to be effective, and Moo Cow contains 1. 8 x 107 acido philusbifidus thermophilus, as analysed by the Chemical Laboratory of Malaysia. natural goodness and a whole lots of health benefits. Live and active culture provides good bacteria that improves digestive system.The w ords â€Å"Live Active Culture†refer to the living organism Streptococcus, Thermophilus, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus which convert pasteurized milk to yogurt fermentation. Now, instead of yogurt and yogurt drinks, there is frozen yogurt! Which I love ~†¦ Moo Cow sells frozen yogurt of several varieties of flavours, including a weird and daring attempt of ice kacang flavour. unlike other frozen yogurts, the toppings are really healthy.From choices of oats, sunflower seeds, raisins, prunes, cornflakes, pumpkin seeds and nuts. You probably think its no fun and dull, but it turns out to be surprisingly delightful. and if you are watching your health (and for the ladies, weight and figure), how about just switch the ice cream with all natural goodness of frozen yogurt. Reference http://goodyfoodies. blogspot. com/2012/03/moo-cow-frozen-yogurt-gardens-mall. html http://foodeverywhere. wordpress. com/2011/08/01/moo-cow-frozen-yogurt/
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