Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Real World And Morality Will Help Us Make The Point Essay
If you believe you have to tell your kids that Santa Claus exists in order to give them gifts on Christmas day, you are completely out of your mind. Oh no! what am I saying? I meant if you think your kids should believe in a higher power so that they learn empathy, humility, and respect towards their fellow human beings, you are probably doing a bad job as a parent. I suggest you work on the adoption papers. This is not an attack on any specific religion. I come to believe as I am growing up that religion has certainly not kept someone from being â€Å"bad†and it is on any case a pre-requisite in order to be or do â€Å"good.†An analysis of the real world and morality would help us make the point. I am a skeptic, you get it right, but bear with me. I am on any case trying to dismiss religion as an institution that might be able to do good things and keep your child in a good path. It is vital that we understand that morality doesn’t come from a book or some guy in the sky or for the matter in religion at all. We are human beings, and the moment we realize that we are one specie, how we feel and what others feel should matter. Teaching kids to treating their like-people the same way they want to be treated doesn’t need to involve religion at all. As the sociologist Phil Zuckerman would put it: â€Å"My own ongoing research among secular Americans  as well as that of a handful of other social scientists who have only recently turned their gaze on secular culture  confirms thatShow MoreRelatedThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1729 Words  | 7 PagesGood moral is what makes a good person. Why would you want to be good when everything around you is bad? How can you want to be the better person when the only a reason to live is to avoid death? Morality is a principle concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. 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