Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on The Common Core State Standards - 1431 Words
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are being deceitfully sold to the general public as a state-led initiative to reform the current curriculum taught in our public schools. In the standards there are very specific objectives that need to be met by the end of each school year for all grades Kindergarten through twelfth grade. So far the only subjects that have seen any change are mathematics, reading, writing, and literature. The standards are advertised as school, teacher, and administration led along with heavy collaboration between feedback groups and the public. This is just not true. The Common Core State Standards were produced by organizations and corporations for their own interests. As a repercussion students are†¦show more content†¦Interestingly enough all five companies lead to the same place. Millions of dollars have been funneled to these companies by the same foundation and consequently the same man. Thats right, one man; Bill Gates via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates has donated close to $62.6 million to just these five companies alone. He also gave the NGA and CCSSO a combined amount of $104.7 million (Schneider). There are dozens upon dozens of major education organizations, think tanks, state education departments, local districts, universities, foundations, and institutes that have all accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, from Gates. For example organizations such as the PTA and American Federation of teachers are both advocates for the CCSS and unsurprisingly they too have their hand in Gates pockets. The PTA received $2,005,000 alone while the American Federation of Teachers received $1 million (Ohanian). These organizations are more than willing to sell out their integrity and the free will of public education just as long as the money keeps flowing. Some may disagree and argue that Bill Gates is a philanthropist and his intentions are purely of those to ensure the future of education. But something does not seem right. There is a trend throughout common core; itShow MoreRelatedThe Common Core State Standards764 Words  | 4 PagesThe Common Core State Standards are a state attempt to create strong educational standards. The standard are created to ensure that students in the country are learning and grasping the information that are given in the classrooms for them to succeed academically. The Common Core plan included governors and education commissioners form forty-eight states and the District of Columbia. They wanted to make sure the standards are relevant, logical and sequential. For content all subjects must have critical-thinkingRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards 1791 Words  | 7 Pagesnew Common Core State Standards for Mathematics bring a new opportunity to the classrooms of the United States that many peop le view as a controversial. According to the NCTM (2013) â€Å"The Common Core State Standards offer a foundation for the development of more rigorous, focused, and coherent mathematics curricula, instruction, and assessments that promote conceptual understanding and reasoning as well as skill fluency†(par. 1). While some people believe that the Common Core State Standards mayRead MoreThe Common Core State Standard1492 Words  | 6 PagesWhen looking over the Loveless article, the paper seemed to have a very negative view of the Common Core State Standard. The part that was most interesting to me throughout the reading was when Loveless referred to the furthering of teacher development with the Common Core Standard. The article was very persuasive for someone who had not known a great deal about the Common Core and led me to believe that it was not a helpful tool to the teaching community. Nonetheless, once I did some deeper researchRead MoreThe Common Core State Standa rds1733 Words  | 7 PagesCommon Core, these two words have come to mean more, in the past four years, than two words with no similarities. 43 out of 50 states are signed on to the Common Core State Standards as of now (Khadaroo). This paper will review the good, the bad and the alternatives to the Common Core, from the eyes of a student that is affected by these standards everyday. Through researching this topic, it has become apparent that the common core has good intentions, however bad implementations. Forty PercentRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards Essay1433 Words  | 6 Pagesyour life? The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) not only standardizes education, but it makes comprehension and intricate tool of the learning process. When it comes to American public education, the diagnosis has been offered that our schools suffer from a lack of consistent standards from coast to coast about what our kids should leave school knowing. The fix that has been adopted in a number of states in the last few years is a set of standards called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), whichRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards881 Words  | 4 PagesIn 2009, states around the country began adopting the Common Core State Standards. These standards were put in place to ensure that each child was on the same academic level by high school graduation. As the global marketplace becomes increasingly more competitive, the United States hopes that Common Core will enable the coming generati ons to be better prepared. As of right now, my working thesis is Common Core is overall unsuccessful in its effort, and discontinuing or, at the least, replacingRead MoreCommon Core State Standards760 Words  | 3 PagesCommon Core State Standards, or Common Core for short, has been making headlines in 2014. Not a curriculum, Common Core is a set of standards defining the skills in which students from kindergarten through 12th grade need to have each year in order to be prepared for the next grade. Creating these national academic standards was a state-led initiative that included a coalition of educators and governors. Administrators, educators and parents participated in the developement of the actual standardsRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards Essay1271 Words  | 6 Pages2009 the Common Core State Standards, or CCSS, was initiated, and since then has become a large part of education today. News shows in multiple states have shown students protesting these new standa rds by skipping classes and school all together. These actions obviously show their refusal to work with the new standards. While there are many teachers who are happy with these standards, students still need to be convinced, and teachers can help this by supporting Common Core State Standards. This inRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards937 Words  | 4 Pages Forty-two states, along with the District of Columbia have adopted Common Core State Standards. These standards were created to focus only on English and Mathematics. An effect of states adopting Common Core State Standards is that all other subjects taught in school were emphasized less. History, Science, and many other subjects are no longer stressed; therefore students are limited to being proficient in only two subjects. The Common Core deprives students’ ability to be skilled in multiple areasRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards1298 Words  | 6 Pagesterms of core subject content, as well as though social activity and elective/activity courses. However, there has often been a disconnect between different states and districts over what exactly should be in the curriculum for various grades and what is needed to prepare students for life beyond school, as well as providing little basis for comparing the US to other countries. That’s where Common Core State St andards (CCSS) come in. According to Teaching in the Middle School (2012), the Common Core
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Early Childhood Education More About Care Than Education...
Is early childhood education more about care than education? Is early childhood more about free-play than learning? The late 1980s saw the campaign for quality early childhood education and is now seen as a site for early intervention and for the maximisation of the child’s potential from the earliest possible age (Duhn, 2009). Over the years early childhood has become a foundation for children from birth to 5 years of age making it a quality based learning which will make a life time difference. In this essay I will be talking about four issues over the history of New Zealand education around early childhood: first I will talk about baby farming. Secondly care versus education, thirdly the quality of qualified teachers versus non-qualified teachers and lastly the impact government has made on early childhood education. Single and married women used to pay people to care for their children, because they had to work to get by. These babysitters were also known as â€Å"baby farmers†due to the fact they had so many children under their watch. This was a service to New Zealanders that was of great need. Easting (1994, p.48) said in relation to the nineteenth century: â€Å"the stigma of ‘care’ being a service for problem children from ‘scarce’ families (for example where the mother went out to work) developed very early on. Gradually the governments of the time began to provide some support for ‘educational’ activities [kindergartens].†These caregivers were sometimes called ‘babyShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Of Exceptional And Special Needs Children Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesThe early childhood sector is increasing rapidly across the Caribbean. Some of these centres just came about in an ad hoc manner due to the demand for day care servi ces; recognising how important early childhood development is, governments and other officials are being faced with the task of ensuring that quality early childhood education is provided. This essay seeks to discuss teachers’ expectations, sensitivities, priorities and values that contribute to the quality of all pupils learning andRead MoreBenefits Of Low Salaries For Early Childhood Education1197 Words  | 5 Pagesnecessity of early childhood education has increased as research indicated all the beneficiary effects on the child’s developmental learning capacity in their early years. However, low salaries negatively affect many early childhood educators who dedicated time and effort to continue higher education and trainings to ensure the best practices for the children. With the efforts to raise salaries for early childhood teachers, many professionals and educators in the field voiced their opinion about the raisesRead MoreThe State Of Georgia Have Quality Earl y Childhood Education1447 Words  | 6 Pages†¢ Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all children in the state of Georgia have quality Early Childhood Programs that are accessible, affordable, comprehensive, and sustainable. Crafting strategic and thoughtful policy in the forefront will ensure the academic achievement, social development and future success of the state’s youth. †¢ Scope This policy will aim to address the social, academic and general health needs of all children from birth to the age of 8 years in the state ofRead MoreThe Career Field Of Early Childhood Education1746 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to Careers in Early Childhood Education, the field of early childhood education deals with teaching and education young children, commonly at a preschool level. Early childhood education appeared as a separate branch of education after several studies were conducted and told us that the time before a child goes to kindergarten are the most important for developing their learning abilities and social skills. Studies were conducted by the Department of Education, and many other governmentRead MoreHuman History Literacy Rates Have Continued Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesHuman history literacy rates have continued to hike. Children now attend school than at any other point in history. Although nations have made immense progress, many are still far from rea ching the universal goals of education. The importance of early education cannot be emphasized enough. As famous scholars had noted in human history, education is the precondition for success and unconstrained prospects. Educated citizens are the foundation for a nation’s sustainable economic and social developmentRead MoreChildren With Multicultural And Diverse Experiences849 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Early childhood providers do many difficult tasks. The hardest task is to provide the children with multicultural and diverse experiences. Since the beginning of time, the extended families, clans, and the communities raised the young children. Even today, many early childhood programs and family child care institutions tend to be similar and homogeneous to the children’s home backgrounds. The common criteria parents use to choose the early childhood programs, and the child care facilitiesRead MoreDeveloping A Safe And Healthy Environment1471 Words  | 6 Pageschild (Early Learning for, 2007, p. 3). In November 2004, the Ontario administration created a great plan called the â€Å"Early Learning for Every Child Today†(ELECT). By launching this plan, Ontario fulfilled its dream. In addition, the ELECT document contains comprehensive and rich sources of information that enhances, rather than modifies, planned curriculum in all Ontario’s care centers operating under the Day Nurseries Act. As long as early childhood professionals working in early childhood settingsRead MorePromoting a Healthy and Safety Environment in an Early Childhood Education Setting1353 Words  | 6 Pageshealthy environment in early childhood education. Learning and developments of children are greatly enhanced by a healthy environment. It will also explain three policies that relate to these aspects. Strategies will also be mentioned to elaborate on the aspects and policies. Families, communities and centres should work together to provide and promote a healthy upbringing of young children. It will also include the areas needed to be improving further in the early childhood healthy environment andRead MoreChildren s Academic And Social Competencies1549 Words  | 7 Pagesstart school tend to be more at-risk (considered to have a higher probability of failing academically or dropping out of school) than their advantaged peers, come from lower socioeconomic hom es, and are more likely to have developmental challenges that limit their attentiveness for instruction (Jeon, H., Peterson, et al., 2011). This gap in development is evident at the earliest stages of growth and the effects of poverty on children s development typically appear at about the age of 2 and by ageRead MoreEssay on 20th Century Approaches in Early Childhood Education861 Words  | 4 Pagesthere are many kinds of programs and approaches used in early childhood education? The 20th century was the start of inclusive classrooms and about the idea of education for all. Education in the early preschool years boomed with early childhood development programs. While there are many popular approaches, I find that Maria Montessori and Rudolf Steiner have the reliable strait forward and captivating approaches to early childhood education. Maria Montessori has an educational method that is in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Help Write Thesis Paper: the Ultimate Convenience!
Help Write Thesis Paper: the Ultimate Convenience! The Argument About Help Write Thesis Paper It's also wise to consider readers of your thesis that are not specialists in your area. The thesis statement tells the reader precisely what the remaining portion of the paper is all about. Normally a couple of sentences, a thesis unifies and supplies direction for a bit of writing. Thesis on-line service is an excellent solution if you're writing your own thesis. Get the Scoop on Help Write Thesis Paper Before You're Too Late The thesis statement is easily the most important sentence in your whole essay. Writing a thesis paper is a difficult job. Definitely writing a thesis paper is not simple, but we'll comprehend a few of the measures to compose a thesis paper that will permit you to write and produce excellent thesis papers. Writing an excellent paper or any thesis statement is usually not an easy work. Your thesis abstract is an essential part of your paper. The goal of yo ur thesis paper will accurately fill up the gaps which were not presented. You might discover that you wish to compose your own paper. Hire our writers to learn what really flawless thesis paper resembles! The Help Write Thesis Paper Cover Up Doing it convincingly and keeping up the premium quality of writing throughout your paper is no simple undertaking. There are 3 keys resulting in success. Thesis help online services are becoming increasingly more popular, and it's getting harder to seek out a reliable one from the huge variety of sites that search engines offer you. After getting success in a lot of other courses, you receive the permission of making a thesis statement. Things You Should Know About Help Write Thesis Paper Writing a thesis statement can develop into a true headache for every single student, because it's the focus of the paper, which shows how well you've mastered the subject. It is no mean feat. It is crucial to many college classes. Ok, I Think I U nderstand Help Write Thesis Paper, Now Tell Me About Help Write Thesis Paper! Keep in mind that every one of the data in your thesis ought to be credible and you want to make certain you can back it with evidence if necessary. Basically, thesis statant is the very first thing your tutor is likely to check. Thesis statement gives a general notion to the readers about what they are likely to read. The thesis statement is vital since it tells the audience what they'll be reading about. Help Write Thesis Paper - Dead or Alive? If you are in possession of a thorough understanding of what it is you're likely to write about but not certain how to shape it in the suitable form, our talented writers are always here to provide urgent and reasonably priced thesis help. When thesis papers are involved, the majority of the students seek help from several resources. The very best help with thesis is currently available easily. Students who aren't conscious of writing seek for thesis assis tance and assistance from an expert writer the most. Assistance with thesis formatting If you aren't sure about the best way to format a thesis paper, we can assist you with that. The task looks like an easy one. For a student who isn't acquainted with the necessary elements of a thesis statement, such a task could end up being insurmountable. Hence a proper writing place is going to be the starting of thesis paper help that has a dedicated workstation. Use a brief anecdote, a brief you're writing. The thesis may be restated in the closing paragraph utilizing different words. Usually every topic can be split into hundreds of smaller issues. Writing in college often requires the shape of persuasionconvincing others that you've got an interesting, logical standpoint on the subject you're studying. From the opposite side, sometimes students become lost in the stream of their ideas. Don't depart from your thesis paper needs to a company which will not even supply a live perso n to talk with. Writing a thesis paper enhances your knowledge alongside securing your focus on the topic issue. It is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Thesis writing services can satisfy the tightest deadlines and still offer quality results for you as well as your thesis paper requirements.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Comparison Essay free essay sample
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia both developed in river valleys. These first civilizations in the Middle East, Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates and Egypt by the Nile River. They are early civilizations that relied heavily on geographies and their surrounding environment. Mesopotamia featured distinctive cultures and was also the home of the worlds first set of laws. The Egyptian civilization formed near the Nile River and in the Sahara desert, so a strong society was needed to prosper in this harsh environment. As both civilizations formed close to important rivers and fertile land, they developed similarly (Ecks, 2012). Mesopotamia and Egypt both relied on their rivers to survive their everyday lives. Mesopotamia was divided into two lands, Sumer and Akkad and then both of the lands got together and became Babylonian , a flat country. Also, Sargon which is the king the Mesopotamians worshipped , king of Sumer which Akkad symbolized the claim of Universal domain. We will write a custom essay sample on Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Comparison Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mesopotamia and egypt were also very agricultural. Mesopotamia had little to no natural defenses. They were open to invasions and got took advantage of quit often. The Assyrians were the last to take over before the Persians conquered them. They built pyramids called Ziggurats. Cuneiform was the Mesopotamians writing system. They created Cuneiform around 3500 B.C.E and it also became a system of pictographs. Mesopotamia went into a decline and ended around 2300 B.C.E . Ancient Egypt lasted around 3000 B.C.E until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.E. Egypt was a civilization based on irrigation. Its also a civilization that arises through the need for flood control and irrigation. Which leads to a strong central government. The Egyptian state centered on the king, often known by the knew term Pharaoh , from an Egyptian phrase meaning â€Å"palace†. The religous beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians were the dominating influence in the development of their culture.The Egyptian faith was based on a collection of ancient myths, nature worship. Sumerian lives were spent serving the gods in the form of man-made statues. There was no organized set of gods; each city-state had its own patrons, temples, and priest-kings. The Sumerians were probably the first to write down their beliefs, which were the inspiration for much of later Mesopotamian religion. Sumerians believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk. While the Mesopotamians didnt have anything quit to scale with the pyramids, they did use and build ziggurats for religious purpose.Both civilizations were centered on religion. Egypt believed in many gods. The gods of Mesopotamia believed in tended to be absolute rulers to whom the people owed total devotion. In both civilizations religious leaders were given very high status and held in high regard. Mesopotamia and Ancient E gypt are two religions that believed in monotheism. Ancient Egpyt and Mesoptomia both relied on river for survival. They also had similar religous role which led into their different life styles. Ancient Egyptian religous beliefs were more demanding than Mesoptomia. Well , they were more into their religous beliefs. In conclusion, the Ancient Egypt and Mesoptomia share these similarities; Both Egypt and Mesopotamia emphasized social stratification, with a noble, landowning class on top and masses of peasants and slaves at the bottom. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt changed only slowly by the standards of more modern societies. Both civilizations demonstrated extraordinary durability. Both civilizations, left an important heritage in their region and adjacent territories. References Asbell, M. (2007). Comparison between mesopotamia and egypt. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia both developed in river valleys. These first civilizations in the Middle East, Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates and Egypt by the Nile River. They are early civilizations that relied heavily on geographies and their surrounding environment. Mesopotamia featured distinctive cultures and was also the home of the worlds first set of laws. The Egyptian civilization formed near the Nile River and in the Sahara desert, so a strong society was needed to prosper in this harsh environment. As both civilizations formed close to important rivers and fertile land, they developed similarly (Ecks, 2012). Mesopotamia and Egypt both relied on their rivers to survive their everyday lives. Mesopotamia was divided into two lands, Sumer and Akkad and then both of the lands got together and became Babylonian , a flat country. Also, Sargon which is the king the Mesopotamians worshipped , king of Sumer which Akkad symbolized the claim of Universal domain. Mesopotamia and egypt were also very agricultural. Mesopotamia had little to no natural defenses. They were open to invasions and got took advantage of quit often. The Assyrians were the last to take over before the Persians conquered them. They built pyramids called Ziggurats. Cuneiform was the Mesopotamians writing system. They created Cuneiform around 3500 B.C.E and it also became a system of pictographs. Mesopotamia went into a decline and ended around 2300 B.C.E . Ancient Egypt lasted around 3000 B.C.E until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.E. Egypt was a civilization based on irrigation. Its also a civilization that arises through the need for flood control and irrigation. Which leads to a strong central government. The Egyptian state centered on the king, often known by the knew term Pharaoh , from an Egyptian phrase meaning â€Å"palace†. The religous beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians were the dominating influence in the development of their culture.The Egyptian faith was based on a collection of ancient myths, nature worship. Sumerian lives were spent serving the gods in the form of man-made statues. There was no organized set of gods; each city-state had its own patrons, temples, and priest-kings. The Sumerians were probably the first to write down their beliefs, which were the inspiration for much of later Mesopotamian religion. Sumerians believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk. While the Mesopotamians didnt have anything quit to scale with the pyramids, they did use and build ziggurats for religious purpose.Both civilizations were centered on religion. Egypt believed in many gods. The gods of Mesopotamia believed in tended to be absolute rulers to whom the people owed total devotion. In both civilizations religious leaders were given very high status and held in high regard. Mesopotamia and Ancient E gypt are two religions that believed in monotheism. Ancient Egpyt and Mesoptomia both relied on river for survival. They also had similar religous role which led into their different life styles. Ancient Egyptian religous beliefs were more demanding than Mesoptomia. Well , they were more into their religous beliefs. In conclusion, the Ancient Egypt and Mesoptomia share these similarities; Both Egypt and Mesopotamia emphasized social stratification, with a noble, landowning class on top and masses of peasants and slaves at the bottom. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt changed only slowly by the standards of more modern societies. Both civilizations demonstrated extraordinary durability. Both civilizations, left an important heritage in their region and adjacent territories.
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